
International future?

  • Sent in by: Gomer_pyle

Hey guys, I just linked this site to a British mate of mine. I'm just wondering if this site is coping with the pressure of the other large gaming websites.

Do you think that there will be a greater interest for Gamereactor abroad and not just in the Nordic countries?


To tell you the truth Gamereactor International would not be here without an interest from the rest of the world in stuff we are producing at Gamereactor. During the last few years and especially with the transition of GRTV into an all English product there has been an increasing amount of international visitors on the Gamereactor network who we presume know very little Finnish, Danish, Swedish or Norwegian. Just as with everything else that we do the plan is to slowly but surely grow the international site and create a niche for ourselves. I don't think it is smart to try and take on the biggest sites out there, but there are other opportunities and we aim to seize those.

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